Interior lights and dashboard don't work.


New Member
Ok I bought my car with a system wiring in it. I removed the system wiring in it but now my interior lights, heat, radio, clock, cigarette lighter and hazard lights don't work. I was told before i bought the car the ownner removed the box and speakers and that caused everything to stop working. Anyone have any ideas?


Active Member
Don't bump your thread after 1 minute dude...Check your fuses.. Sounds like someone did a hack job of an install, that's for sure.
just trace all wires from the system and see where they actually go. And inspect wiring under the dash...


New Member
All fuses are good but one of them keep blowing. I think its the radio fuse.
Should I find a new dash harness?
Also are the interior lights (the ones that turn on when the door is open) controlled by something in the dash?


Its a thing that goes in where the fuse is supposed to be and breaks the circuit. Basically its a reblowable fuse and it makes a clicking noise every time it does so you can mess around with your wiring and see what blows it so you can fix it.


You need to take a more active approach to fixing your issue, bumping the thread won't do that.

It sounds like you have some radio wires shorting out. Make sure all the wires are taped up if they are bare. A wire short would continuously blow the fuse. However, there is a light for illumination in the radio harness, so if it's shorting it could be blowing a light fuse.

The dome light could be unrelated to any of your wiring, it could simply be the door switches or a bulb.


New Member
I cant manuallly turn the lights on in my car either. Bump
Im doing more than bumping my post i plan on lookin at the wiring when i have a chance.


Obviously something is shorting if you're blowing fuses. It's up to you to start tracing wires. You can't honestly believe we can fix it over the internet, right?


Active Member
I gave up quite some time ago, I advise you do the same. Go out there and start troubleshooting dude..