Interior Lighting Issues


1993 Acura Integra GS.

First thing's first. My dome light will not come on when I open the doors. I can flip the switch on it to make it come on but it will stay on all the time that way. If I flip the spot to the other spot it won't come on at all, and then of course when it's in the off position it won't come on. Is my switch bad, or my door switches? Or...??!

I also noticed my gauge needles do not light up. I mentioned this to two other people and they both said "Well their not supposed to." I think there is a light behind them or something, because I can't see my gauge needles AT ALL at night. Do I just need to pull the cluster and replace a bunch of little light bulbs?? The gauge faces light up, so I can see the MPH and such, it's just the needle that doesn't. I think there is a light bulb or something behind them..

And a few of my buttons don't light up. None of the buttons on the dash left of the steering wheel will light up at night. (Sun-Roof, Dimmer, Cruise Control) do not light up. I figured they would so you can find them in the dark. The cruise control has a little green light when engaged, but that's it. And the fog light switch doesn't light up either. (Unless it's engaged in which case it's a little orange light or something.)

Also the climate control area doesn't have any lights, the little pictures don't light up.. so I can't tell where the different switches are in the dark. The little orange light comes on to tell you which vent you have selected, but the little pictures of them don't light up. Is this a case of burnt out lighting somewhere ? Do I have to pull apart the heater controls too?



Registered Abuser
gauge needles do light up, my dimmer doesnt, the word cruise doesnt but there is a green light when its on,dont think the sunroof does either...all the climate things light up except for one i think...that could be a bulb on my end...probably is actually. check your fuses also...


I figured the little pictures on the switches would so you could find them in the dark..
As for the needles, there should be SOMETHING behind them. I literally can not see them AT ALL when driving in the dark.


check the fuse for instrument cluster it controls all of that. Mine just went out on mine and that fixed it all



And you see how the needles ARE lit up? Mine arn't. Not visible at all actually.

Here is a picture of my gauges in the dark. I didn't notice it until now, but around 50mph the lighting sucks. Maybe I just need to replace all the bulbs.
Anyone know where I can find some gauge bulbs that are blue? :D
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New Member
my problem

I have the same problem. My lights are dim but you can't see almost anything. My clock and radio won't turn on at all.After I take the dash out only the crusie control is not plug in. so I double check everything and once it is done the light and almost visable better than it was before in the dash but everything else is the same. Radio, clock, light on the top of the car (THINK IT IS CALLED DOME LIGHT) and everything else is the same. Any Help.

P.S. Another crazy thing is that my windshield wipers turn on when I switch on the dome light and only one of them wipers work.:roll::roll:


FlyingCaesar they have blue guys and every other color pretty much...I have never ordered from there but i have heard good things


RS owner
the pic you posted, youre comparing a dc cluster to a da.

the da needles are a solid color and can not be lit up from the back of the gauge face.

the da cluster has an ambient light on the very top that illuminate downwards. my guess is that those bulbs burnt out and need replacing.


No, if I turn the dimmer down then my lights don't work at all.

Thanks Coy, I know the cluster wasn't the same, but I figured it was the same concept, guess not. As for the lighting, everyone keeps suggesting that website, but I don't know what bulbs to buy from that site. Everyone will list like three different bulbs, but I can't ever find those specific ones on the site. >_>

Dome light still doesn't work when opening the door, I think it may actually be the door itself. The door is slightly tweaked from the wreck of the PO, and I noticed the other day when I was at a higher speed my door light came on, and it's been randomly fading in and out. Really not sure what's going on, but I figure the door switch is faulty.

As for my radio and clock? They both work.. work great actually. There is a fuse for both of those, you might check them.


New Member
quick question

does any body have the back of the fuse panel from inside the car under the steering wheel. I not sure which is what fuses I have and not sure which ones are brunt out. what should they look like.:oops:


Google images, bad fuse, good fuse.. should be enough..

And run a search on the forum for fuse diagram.. there's quite a few threads about it.


Soooooo.. I fixed my lights!
Better to follow up late then never right? :)

Basically all of my bulbs were burnt out. I replaced quite a few.. almost all the bulbs behind the gauges were burnt out, as well as the two bulbs above it. The climate control bulbs were also burnt out. The switches have burnt out bulbs in a few of them, so I will be replacing them tomorrow. The dome light I believe to be the door switch, but I have not fixed it yet. I'm fairly certain that's my issue though.

Yup Yup.
Just incase anyone cares lol.