Integra GS Faulties


Ninja Tiger
hey guys I got a 92 integra gs.
The car is great and is doing it's job well.
however there are some flaws that I cant figure out.

The car seems to burn oil like no tomorrow.
if I go fast enough, the smell of oil burning or something becomes very noticable! :cry:
and also my high performance exhaust system seems to be fine (got it checked by mechanics)
but it gives off this AWFUL NOISE!!
it has the nice low Puurrrrrrr but it also gives off this annoying sound like
clleeeeeeeccccckkkkkk... somewhat mechanical-ish and broken-ish sound
its terrible!
not sure what is causing this noise :evil:


when does it make the noise, when you take off or get on it is there any smoke that comes out the exhaust?


Ninja Tiger
when i start the engine then no... no bad sound only the nice purrrrr
but when I accelerate then you hear it at certain frequency.
the sound is not constant. it goes on and off as I accelerate or gas. but if I dont step on the gas then the annoying sound disappear..


you can try a valve ajustment for startes,but before that have some one else start it and listen to where the sound is coming from top, bottom


do you know where the noise is comming from? is it like under the hood or near the rear? o_O


Ninja Tiger
its near the rear for sure.
if anything i know its coming from the area the muffler is, i'm quite certain the muffler is giving off the noise but not sure if its because of the muffler or something near it