Integra 91 interior lights problem


New Member
Hey everyone well recently i posted a thread on a few problms with my car but now i have a couple more. Ok well to start off its a integra 91 ok well im having a few eletrical problems to start off with none of my interior lights are working the ones in the front and in the middle on top of the car arent working at all i cant see it being a light bulb cuz none of them work at all i mean it could be but i just doubt it. and yesterday i put the switch to the middle which is for wen door opens or whatever and the clock would start and the windshield wipers would come on which was wierd. could it be the light bulb shorted or something? and now today the dashboard lights arent working they were working before then i turned it off then turn itback on nd now nothing happens. i really need those lights to work correctly. and the clock it turns on now but wen i turn off the car the clock resets why is that? please help it would be most appereciated thanks in advance.


New Member
do the headlights work? I know once i had an exposed wire from the deck that shorted the inside fuse and killed all the dash/head lights.

As for the interior bulbs have you tried a set of replacement bulbs to test?


New Member
Yea the head lights work fine and the high beams but the hazards dont work either for somereason. and no i havent tried replacing the bulbs but maybe i should tommorow. but then why wont the dash lights work well the light to light up the dash i mean because like the blinker and the engine and all those lights work fine but just not the light to light up the dashboard so i can see when im driving.

Ominous G2

Thought the dash lights usually went out with the tail lights?


New Member
I gues not in my car my head lights work fine i didnt check the tail lights though are he head lights and tal lights seperate fuses or something?? and my friend fixedoneof my fuses by puting a wire the two silver prongs i gues is that safe or should i just get a new one anyways just to make it good??

Ominous G2

They are on seperate fuses, my headlights worked fine when my cluster went out.

That is a very unsafe thing to do, you can start a fire that way.


New Member
+1 to what omni said

Fuses work like a circuit breaker, when too much current flows through it, it'll break the connection to protect all the electronics it connects to.
I recommend hitting up a local auto part store, or grab one of the spare fuses if there are any in the car, it's like $2 for a pack.

But for all those weird electrical problems... it's weird. It could be a short almost anywhere, i mean the door sensors trigger the dome light and the dash icon. I'll check my Haynes manual tomorrow if there's any relation between what you're experiencing.


New Member
Alright well tommorow ill have to pickup fuses then for the one with the wire and i guess the one for the tail lights and the dash? yea thanks for telling me because i was just thinking before on how unsafe that could could become but thanks. So i guess that will fix my dash problem now i just need my interior lights workiing because wen im out there in the dark i cant see a damn thing and it sucks. You think i should just try to get a bulb for it anyway see if its the bulb but i dont know hopefully that works i checked the fuse for the lights and its fine well actually i think thats the one with the wire lol but idk ill have to check that out then.

Ominous G2

my interior lights have never worked when you open the door, and it does suck. I really need to fix that.


New Member
This day is just going fucking great well dismorning tryed opening my car door and it was locked so it set of the alarm where i cant ifnd and doesnt start then i take a blue wire from the starter to the battery and start the car then connect it all back together and it was fine then i by accident did the same thing and set off the alarm again which made it not start again so then i took the wire again and it made a noise like it was gonna start then went off and then made some clicking noise would that be the battery is dead because my lights work lik eheadlights and stuff but now my blinker wont work. and i guess not my intake pike just broke because the piece for the hose snapped off some how i dont know how but it did and im really getting mad now please help how much is a new pipe? and is the battery dead if it just does some clicking noise??


New Member
Well now my car is doing really good im just missing to lights for my brakes and for my tail light. But the hose for th eintake snapped of the lil nipple that it was holding so my friend said just super glue it is that good idea? i was thinkin either do that and eletric tape or just eletric tap idk