Integra 91 found the problem!! i think..


New Member
Well the other day i took out the fuse for the interior lights cz i had a problem with them well actualy to start off my car kept dying and dying and i keept having to jump it so the other day i took out the fuse for the interior and now i jumped it and and it starts right up and verything now but then i listened to the radio with the car off so it killed the battery again so i jumped it and now it starts beautifully but im pretty sure my battery is getting pretty old if it does that cuz its obvisly not the alternator if the car stays on for a while and cant be the starter if the car starts so the batterys basicly fucked and i have a few eletrical problems other then that my cars fine :)


alright man, try to use some sort of sentence structure. it makes it a lot easier for everyone to read and comprehend what youre trying to say.

how old is your battery?


New Member
Sorry yea i was just in a rush im sorry but im not sure its a 91 integra idk when it was replaced or not so i wouldnt really know but i am probly gonna end up replacing it soon thats probly the cause right? and to 91integrock itson the top called new thred but dont post questions like that in threads they belong somewhere else


its cool, its just hard to read and makes it hard for anyone to help understand what your problems are.

I mean, it could be it. Someone correct me if im wrong, but i think your alternator charges your battery and powers your car while its running. so maybe your alternator isnt chargning your battery anymore, so i could be that.

but get your battery checked out before dropping the dough on it, same thing with the alternator


New Member
The reason i doubt it is the alternator because 1. the alternator charges the battery when turned on correct? if im not mistaken that is correct because the radio and lights and stuff only take up like 5% or the battery someting around there. And my problem is when i left the radio on for like 10 min the car didnt turn back on and it wasnt startedso thats whyim saying my battery is probly shot since it died and usually it doesnt but rigt now it starts up and i left it on for 30 min before and it didnt die and in 2 more days ima try it again im leaving it off so if it turns on again then it most likely will be the battery correct me if im wrong everyone but thats just my assumption on this whole situation.


New Member
Before you go anywhere, get that battery on a charger for the night, it's not gonna charge long enough to do jack shit if you let it run for 5 mins then turn it off, and it's extrememly hard on your altenator to run the car while that battery is dead because you will be drawing power directly from the altenator instead of the battery.


New Member
my cars not on the road yet but i left it on for 30 min b4 and it didnt shut off but as long as i no its not the alternator im fine battery im not worried bout i can do that y self.


Super Moderator
How about quit speculating and just test the battery with a voltmeter with the car off and with the car running. Simple as that

If the battery shows less than 12volts then it's weak. Take to the autoparts store and they'll deep charge it for free if it's good enough. If not get a new one

The battery should show 13.5v or so while the engine is running. If it's less then the alternator is weak. If it's more like 17v then your voltage regulator went out and all the extra power is killing your battery
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New Member
Ok ill pick one up soon see i didnt know bout the whole voltmeter thanks i was just asuuming but that will give me a deffinate anwer.