Integra 91 electric problems


New Member
Well i just recently bought a integra 91 b18a non vtech well i have minor problems with the car starting at the seatbelt is not working the drivers one wen i open the door it doesnt move at all nothing happens but the passenger moves fine. and the clock doesnt work either for somereason. but the wierd part about mycar is wen i push the light in the top of the car to the middle it turns on my windshield wipers and my clock comes on it makes no sense. please help and none of my lights work in the interioir.
Well i just recently bought a integra 91 b18a non vtech well i have minor problems with the car starting at the seatbelt is not working the drivers one wen i open the door it doesnt move at all nothing happens but the passenger moves fine. and the clock doesnt work either for somereason. but the wierd part about mycar is wen i push the light in the top of the car to the middle it turns on my windshield wipers and my clock comes on it makes no sense. please help and none of my lights work in the interioir.
If your having electrical issues with your non vtech, you may want to upgrade your phone to a vtech.


Well i just recently bought a integra 91 b18a non vtech well i have minor problems with the car starting at the seatbelt is not working the drivers one wen i open the door it doesnt move at all nothing happens but the passenger moves fine. and the clock doesnt work either for somereason. but the wierd part about mycar is wen i push the light in the top of the car to the middle it turns on my windshield wipers and my clock comes on it makes no sense. please help and none of my lights work in the interioir.
to diagnoise the auto shoulder belt system is not an easy task. the best way to find out exactly whats wrong is to perform a input test @ the auto shoulder belt control unit along with a service manual to guide you to which pin connector to check. some possible problems can be a blown fuse, bad shoulder buckle motor, rear lock position switch, front position switch or door latch switch. again, doing a input test would point you in the right direction. also drop by your local acura dealership, it maybe covered under warranty.

the muti electrical problem is a funny one. i would start by diagnoising the clock first. finding the problem may possibly resolve the other.
