Integra 1986 Checking PGM-FI Code


New Member
Hi all
I've scoured the web and forums and not found a definitive answer. I've have a 1986 Integra with over 300000 kms on the clock and in over 3 years it has never caused any trouble and I've spent hardly anything on it for a car of that age - brilliant!
Today the PGM-FI light came on the dash after 20 mintues of regular driving. I stopped, checked under the bonnet for anything obvious (I am not mechanical!) and pushed the distributor cap wires just to make sure they were in properly (which they appeared to be). I then drove home (30 minutes) and the light did not come on.
I've now been reading about the CEL codes and have found all the codes on the Net, but have no idea how I actually find out what Code Number mine is displaying, if any. When I turned the ignition earlier the lights all acted as normal but obviously I am now worried something may happen at the worst possible time. There is a box under the driver seat and the red light flashes with the ignition on, but just flashes continuously it seems, maybe once a second. (I've never looked at this box before).
Oh yes, there has always been a kind of low whistling noise from activating the ignition through to turning the car off (I am guessing something to do with the fuel pump?) but since the light came on it seems to be more obvious.
If anyone can offer any advice, help or assurance that I don't need to worry, it would be greatly appreciated.
thanks everyone :)
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That box I assume is the ECU. I found this info online: "On Integra models, the ECU contains a single red LED display. The red LED should be used for both models when diagnosing PGM-FI system malfunctions.
When the dash mounted indicator lamp is illuminated, move the front passenger seat to the rear position, turn on the ignition switch and observe the red LED on the front of the ECU. The LED will indicate a system failure code by blinking frequency and two second pauses."

"As an example, one blink, followed by a two second pause, followed by one blink and another two second pause indicates a failure code 1. Likewise, two blinks, followed by a two second pause, followed by two blinks and another two second pause indicates a failure code 2."

Tell us your code by following the above instruction on how to read it.

My source:PGM F1 light code

Codes:Integra pgm-f1 Codes
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New Member
thanks for a quick reply. I made the same journeys on:
Thursday - 25 minutes to work, light didn't come on; 20 minutes to friends house - light came on after 15 minutes at the same spot as the day before; 30 minutes back home - light didn't come on.
Friday - Same journey but slightly different route to friends house - CELight didn't come on at all!
When I turn the ignition the PGM-FI lights up as always then goes out after a couple of seconds then I start the engine - as always. I checked the computer light, it flashes continuously with I would say 1.5 seconds between each flash. I lost count after 20-something and assumed it was doing it's normal job as the dashboard light didn't illuminate at all.
When you referred to counting the flashes, is this only appicable if the PGM-FI light is staying on? Otherwise I am guessing it is a Code 1 - but as I said, the light has only come on twice and only for a few minutes of my journey (at the same place and point in both journeys).