I'm computer retarded


Undercover mod
Computer retarded

Ok i'm new and retarted when it comes to computers. so it is probably staring me in the face. but...... I want to put a cool little pic under my name too? can some body help me. please? pretty please? :oops:
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Undercover mod
thanx now to find something small enough


New Member
you can use n e picture you want. Just got to resize or make the pic small enough. You can do it simply by paint or other progz


Super Duper Moderator
56K = a dial up internet connection.
On a dial up connection to the internet, the maximum speed data can be downloaded onto your computer is 56 kb/sec (kilobytes per second). I have dial up, my computer can only manage a top speed of 48K :( So I avoid threads with the 56K warning, and don't even bother going into the Video Gallery forum, lol.


TegSox said:
56K = a dial up internet connection.
On a dial up connection to the internet, the maximum speed data can be downloaded onto your computer is 56 kb/sec (kilobytes per second). I have dial up, my computer can only manage a top speed of 48K :( So I avoid threads with the 56K warning, and don't even bother going into the Video Gallery forum, lol.

*note to self: when talking trash about tegsox, post in the vid gallery...*


Undercover mod
Thanx Tegsox i'll get it all down soon enough
G3GirL said:

*note to self: when talking trash about tegsox, post in the vid gallery...*
Good idea lol :lol:


Super Duper Moderator
You got it G3GRL, but I could move at anytime. :) I think I live in the only freakin town in the lower half of N.H. that doesn't even offer goddamn DSL, let alone Broadband. It's either sattelite internet and sattelite TV, or dial up internet and antenna TV, 1960's style. How pathetic is this town?


Undercover mod
so back to this therad..............
well now i took vids of the street racing i did the other night and got them to the comp...but i cant get them to the site to show everybody.... some help is much needed thanx