if i only change the muffer would that be any improvement in terms of performance?


New Member
Just a muffler woont change your hp. if you do like a full exhaust. you still really aren't getting any "big gain".


Well-Known Member
Changing the muffler will only change the exhaust note.

You would need to replace the entire exhaust, Header, catalytic converter, and cat-back system to see a slight improvement in HP.


New Member
thx you guys . u guys have been really helpful. so bottomline is changing muffer would only make it louder? ( well i know it is a very shallow way to put it )


New Member
there are many ways of gaining more power. Building your motor up. Turbo's, super charger's.


New Member
yea i know ahha but l thought if adding a muffler can give a better sound AND improve performance ,then l would do it ahah, but l guess it is too good to be true.
