identifying heads


New Member
all right guys i have three heads sitting here and all three have different numbers stamped on them. how can i tell which one is a b18a or b18b head. all the valves are the same size and im pretty sure the head i just pulled off this b18b motor is the original but rather be positive then guess. thanks in advance


New Member
ok i read all three but something does not make any sense. the motor i pulled out of my 90 ls that has never been touched has the number 89. now i know the guys that owned it before me and neither changed out the head. it is the original. so with that being the case does a 93 code mean it came of a 94. i have two 93 and one 89 and the valves are the same size on all three. help me understand this please. i need to know before i start to put it back together. if i have the b18b like i think i do i want it on the motor while im building the other head.


Well-Known Member
Wait, What? That didnt make any sense.

You have three heads. The one that didnt get touched says 89, your car is a 90. Makes sense. The motor was probably casted the year earlier, not a big deal.

The other head's say 93. If you were told they were B18B1 heads, they most likely are. It doesnt matter, the only difference is a slight change in one of the cams. ALL of the valves are EXACTLY the same, granted you keep exhaust separate from intake.


New Member
what do you mean you keep exhaust seperate from intake. they all do. or am i understanding wrong on what your saying. and i was told that the valves are a little bigger but if it is just the cams then thats kool. only reason i was confused was that i bought a b18a motor and head a few months back and it has the same date stamp as the b18b i bought last week. so i wanted to make sure that i wasnt getting jipped, but if it is only the cams then i will mic them and make sure im getting the ones i want for now.