I Want This Integra So Bad


New Member
damn that thing is moy impressive. i didnt read the specs but from the pics the motor looks bangin. other than that im not really feelin it


Type R
that thing has been on ebay for months and months guys been tryin to get rid of it forever i remember when he wantd like 30k for it lol


Super Moderator
He has to be loosing a lot of money out of it because there has to be more than 18k put into it.


New Member
1329itr00 said:
that thing has been on ebay for months and months guys been tryin to get rid of it forever i remember when he wantd like 30k for it lol
I was gonna say the same thing. 8)

Nice ride though.


New Member
its a scam he was sellin the car on craigslist and autotrader for almost nothing like 9000 and claims he lives in the uk and wants to do bidpay and shit, total scam