I had my girlfriend take me to my mom's so i could use her Tahoe to go trade my rims. i had both of my car keys with me. i put the rims on my GSX and for a cruise for a little while then had my girl drop me off back at my house like 30 miles away. I just went to leave to go out, and my dumbass brought the keys to the GSX and left my GST keys at my moms. My GSX stays at my mom's in the garage and GST is daily driven and the key rings are identical....1 mitsu key, 1 mitsu alarm clicker, and 2 house keys on both of them. i thought something was wrong with my GST at first when the key would go in but not start it. FUCK ME RUNNING! I'm such an idiot, now I'm stuck at the house on a saturday night. Damnit!