i need help...newb.


New Member
i been working on my teg, now i had a buncha leaks, one in the trunk...i took my taillight out and replaced the seal, when i plugged it back in, my interior light went out. Then, when i tried to replace the (10) with a (25) it fried it.. now my radio, on a completely different fuse, doesnt work! its my first teg and i need help. thanks.
There is something causing that fuse to blow. Never replace a fuse with a higher amp fuse. Try and trace down the wires. Check for the exposed wire, broken wire, etc.


New Member
yea but why is the fuse on my radio not blown? i even replaced it and it wont cut on.
im not too worried about the interior light or clock or even cig lighter, but the radio is important..


New Member
prob no power going to the fuse... get a test light there like 3 bucks and start testing power wire... maybe get a wire diagram
