I have a Rear defroster problem and Foglights


New Member
Hi I purchased a 91 2dr GS yesterday. well the day prior the rear defroster button didnt work and the hazards didnt work. The seller owned a mechanic shop and fixed the hazard button. The rear defroster he told me was the module itself is broken. Does anyone know where the module is located? and no the Foglight button doesnt work. It maybe a blown fuse for the foglight switch since it worked the day prior. has anyone had a problem like this with these buttons?Thanks


New Member
i had a similar problem with my rear defroster, i would push the switch but it wouldnt stay down and the orange light on it would flash as i pressed the switch, maybe this is the same problem your having.


New Member
the lights on the switches dont light up. they do push in and click but do night light up. maybe I should check power to both?


Internet Hate Machine
Could be the whole module. Get a flathead screw driver and pry it out.


New Member
that would be a good place to start. my problem was that they would click when pushed, but wouldnt stay pushed down. check for power first.


New Member
They click just no lights, if it doesnt have power can i tap em to something that does have power on ignition?


Internet Hate Machine
Yeah, that's how the fog light mod works. You could temporarily rig them to a fuse and see what happens.


New Member
Yea possIble to run without headlights? And i was thinking if the defroster doesnt have power , i would tap a power source from ignition on so that it would work only when the key is in.