I can't see my freakin' fuel gauge


New Member
Hey, so basically my car has a custom blue LED glow to the buttons and the dashboard. Yesterday all I did was remove the head unit for a second to test it in another car. So today at night, I turn on my car and I notice that part of my dashboard illumination is not working, particularly the right hand side. It affects the speed after 120 (can't see if I'm going 140) and the fuel gauge, which I can't see at all.

How do I fix this? I hate taking out the dash and usually mess s*** up, how much would labor cost to fix the problem? Note everything else works fine, just that little part on the dashboard. Also, interestingly enough, all the indicators and signs below the fuel gauge work, just the illumination doesn't...

Help, thanks!

Here's a pic I found, it's not mine:

Mine is like that but the lighting past 120 doesn't work, and the fuel gauge doesn't work. The indicators like "SRS" and "ABS" below work though.
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Just sounds like a bulb or two burnt out. They're like a dollar at a part store. They just twist out if you pull the cluster.


New Member
Just sounds like a bulb or two burnt out. They're like a dollar at a part store. They just twist out if you pull the cluster.
Will I have to pull out the whole frame and cluster to fix it? Last time I almost broke the frame haha. How much will it cost for a mechanic to fix?


Varies by shop to shop. You should probably do it yourself. It's like a ten minute job, you'd be charged by the hour.. shops around here charge $60-80 an hour.

Not worth it to have a shop do it, in my opinion.


New Member
Cool, looks pretty easy! Could there be any reason or underlying causes the bulb went out? I'm asking because i bought this used teg yesterday and today the dashboard bulb doesn't work. Is this purely coincidental or...?