I am a fool.


So as some of you know, I have this '93 Teg.

I bought an engine for it, stuffed her in. Put 1100 miles on the car.

So I was driving down the road at a steady 50mph or so.. and I hear this loud knocking kind of sound..
I pulled over and had it towed home.

My first thought, the timing jumped a tooth..
Checked that, didn't seem off..

Figured somehow I bent a valve.. seemed stiff and possibly caused by the original thought that I jumped a tooth on the timing.

Well I pulled the head, checked them out and they seemed fine.
Then I was staring at the block, and my dad poked one of the pistons. It seemed like it was higher up then it should be.. well it dropped.. quite a bit..

Pulled the oil pan to find it was full of metal shavings and one big chunk of metal.

I pulled the number three piston, which was what had dropped.. and I see that it has absolutely no bearing left. It was all sitting in my oil pan.

Needless to say I am one unhappy camper.


I've got two idea's floating in my head.

Try to clean up the crank a bit with it in the car. Stuff a bearing. Plastigauge it and see if it'll work. If so, run it. If not, building the bottom end.


Well-Known Member
delete button!

Sucks to hear. Good luck with it. Hopefully you didnt go too far and chew too much of that crank up.

but give us some pics!!!!!


It was supposedly rebuilt. Why would I rebuild a rebuilt engine?
I'm not sure why I lost the third cylinder bearing. The others don't seem bad.


The crank is a little rough, but no major damage. I think I can clean it up by hand. I pulled the piston directly next to it and it looks a little rough, like it got hot or something.. not really sure though. Maybe i'll post pictures and get your opinions.


Broken in properly. Yes.

No sense questioning it anymore, the engine was clearly not rebuilt. The bearings are all worn to the point that it's obvious they have a lot of miles on them.

I got fucked over that engine.

Fuck. Reading the email I had I don't even think he fucking put bearings in it. Looks like JUST rings and gasket set.
Jesus fucking christ. You have no idea how unbelievably angry I am right now. What a fucking dumbass.

Gonna buy new main and rod bearings. Probably pull the motor and see what it needs, give me a chance to check out the synchros in my trans.