Huge water leak =[


New Member
Hey guys,
I have an 89 teg
She has a huge water leak on the passenger side
Under the glove compartment
LITERALLY, Its huge and it makes my car all moldy due to all the rain here!!
Just had my windshield replaced so all the seals around the window are golden!!

Please tell me where to look!!
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the drain tubes for the sun roof may be stopped up.


New Member
Or, this may be the same as another thread elsewhere on the site - it could possibly be your A/C drain tube is clogged. It's coming out, from beneath the dash, right?


New Member
No sun roof!!
I will check the A/C drain tube
But whenever it rains the water comes in.
When I run the heat/ air the water will come in on the passenger side also.
The water doesn't smell weird and I don't wanna taste it =]

Oh and that posting for the 2nd gen was helpful but I haven't seen any space or white clips!!!
About to take my teg apart when I get to a shop!!!
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Gold Member
Or, this may be the same as another thread elsewhere on the site - it could possibly be your A/C drain tube is clogged. It's coming out, from beneath the dash, right?
Same thing in my car. Another guy has a thread dedicated to the same problem. I agree with him^


New Member
Yep, all you guys need to blow out/clear your A/C dump tubes, then I'm willing to bet that the problem will stop - exact same problem I had with mine.