how to??


New Member
can u guys tell me how u guys can cut out the rim so perfect.i try and try but i kept on cutting out the rims all mess up...


Unregistered User
you mean take the rim out? go in with the magnetic line if its enough of a contrast, otherwise I just free hand it.

You can select things in seperat sections. That might help. select a part of the image you want to cut out, then when you go back to take another part, hold down the "shift" key. You can select as many areas as you want using that.


93 Rs Looking ITs best
basically what my man is saying is zoom in as close as possible and cut that way i always cut on the rim just alil bit so i dont get the color mixed up. i dont have photo shop i use a different program so i couldnt tell you how to find it but nomally it should have alil magnitfind glas with a + sign in the middle of it or it would say Zoom in


Unregistered User
The magent is part of the loop selector. If you click down on the loop selector, it'll show you i think 3 options. one of them has a magnet on it.


Unregistered User
lol, yeah, I just couldn't remember what it was called before
