How to grab a steering wheel from a different car?


New Member
Hello forum. I was wondering, if I go to a junk yard and see a killer steering wheel I like better than my '93s boring one, how do I know if the spline will fit on my steering column? Is there a place online to look up what other (sports) cars have a steering wheel that's swappable?


Internet Hate Machine
There's a thread on H-T about this that I can't seem to find at the moment but I think our wheels match up with EG civics and the ITR wheel will work.


^yes that's true for a g3 teg, but don't think its true for g2.pretty sure I saw a thread where he had to swap steering colums to put itr wheel on g2. But you can always gey quick realses hub and wheel.
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^was refering to itr wheel, but if eg fits than don't see why not an itr wheel wouldn't.
Build I'm refering to anyways is g2 itr, he might of just done that cause he put in a g3 console/arm rest.