how bad is it..?


New Member
How bad is it if i drive my 1988 integra knowing it doesn't have front end strut mounts and the struts need to be replaced. Can it damage anything else besides the suspension which is already going to be replaced this saturday? My mother keeps telling me i'm going to break it cause i drive it but i'm not sure what else it can do besides ruin the suspension.
Not having strut mounts and needing my struts/bushings replaced makes every hole, bump, object i drive over seem a lot more of a big deal then what it looks like. if i drive over something, the car makes a very loud noise.


ask and ye shall recieve
thats why god invented public trasportation. theres no shame in the bus game , better than risking 100's of dollars in repairs than 5$ for a couple days on the bus i say take ur car home leave it there and and find out what buses u need to take to were u need to go :thumbs up