Holes in my Exhaust?


New Member
Hey guys so i recent bought my car and saw holes in my exhaust, im just wondering if thats a bad thing or not and what i should do?


Resident G2 Guru of C-I
yeah its bad. where are the holes?

well, regardless of the location of the holes, take it to an exhaust shop and have them repair/replace the exhaust components as needed. if you want to modify the car, get an aftermarket exhaust system. that will, however, cost a lot more than just having a shop fix your exhaust leak(s).


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about the sort of baffling in the end of the tail pipe? Thats to add some turbulence to the exhaust coming out to change the tone a little bit. Like that you find on those bolt on exhaust tips.


New Member
Nah like you know how DA's have 1 dual pipe? i have like a hole in the backish area where theres rust just before the 2 pipes split. Oh and also like one of the exhaust tips feel a little loose, what should i do or how do i tighten it? Oh one more thing i want to get an aftermarket exhaust but not to price nor not to loud, how much and what brand is good?
