so i almost died yesterday...
i was in berkeley yesterday and we were just driving down the street when we hear this siren start to sound. mind you we were starting to cross the intersection already and our light was green when we heard it. naturally you start to slow down and see where it's coming from. i kid you not, about two seconds after the siren initially went on, this patrol car swings out at us from the street on the right nearly plowing us into head-on traffic. luckily there was a gap between cars coming towards us because we ended up swerving out and over to the other side a bit to avoid smashing his ass. retard. totally his fault because he didn't even slow down for the intersection. he musta been shitting himself for a second there because when we passed and left him, he was just sitting right in the middle of a intersection for a while. lol asshole. end of story. late for work. that woulda been good money. lol
i was in berkeley yesterday and we were just driving down the street when we hear this siren start to sound. mind you we were starting to cross the intersection already and our light was green when we heard it. naturally you start to slow down and see where it's coming from. i kid you not, about two seconds after the siren initially went on, this patrol car swings out at us from the street on the right nearly plowing us into head-on traffic. luckily there was a gap between cars coming towards us because we ended up swerving out and over to the other side a bit to avoid smashing his ass. retard. totally his fault because he didn't even slow down for the intersection. he musta been shitting himself for a second there because when we passed and left him, he was just sitting right in the middle of a intersection for a while. lol asshole. end of story. late for work. that woulda been good money. lol