high mileage issues 2nd gen


New Member

Ok, so my teg is goin haywire. Problems I could list go on and on...
Off the bat my car has 259K miles, supposedly well-maintained by previous owner and I picked it up at 255K. Main problem I'm having is I could say poor engine performance. I cant quite put my finger on the problem, with having no record of maintainance it could be anything. So far I've replaced the fuel filter, four spark plugs, cylinder gaskets, and head gasket. These replacements helped at first but pushing through the problems came back in the same but slightly different manner. Since I have no idea what it is, problems that I know of with the car are, radiator fans arent working, Ive checked when the engine is fully warmed and nothing is kicking on. Ive had overheating problems but only when there isnt wind traveling through my engine, hence no fans. Right? Ignition will sometimes not even attempt to start. I believe its a bad cyllinoid. thats basically it.

With that being said my symptoms are rough engine idle, followed by weak engine performance as well. Long drives is what I seem to have the most problems with. It'll sputter at the idle, along with having a low idle about 500 or less rpms. While accelerating I usually dont have problems til now. Check engine light will come on followed by very poor engine performance, rough accerlation, the usual rough idle,, and, new problem, limited rpms. It wont go past 3000 rpms. Could this be the engine compensating for overheating? or something more serious.

I am somewhat of a noob to mechanics, and this is my first car but dont get me wrong I know basic lingo and can learn quickly with explanation. I have researched for awhile and possible problems I can come up with are bad cat, bad O2 sensor, or maybe even bad timing. Problems seem to be getting steadily worse and im fearing the worst, time for a new engine. Any sort of help would be appreciated. Lets keep this going as well. anybody who is having same or similar high mileage unknown problems, feeedback.