Hi all Looking for help with my 2g acura-B18 Low RPM Bogging


Hello I'm currently looking for some answers as to why my 2g 91 Acura Integra has recently suffered some sputtering/stalling at around 2-3k Rpm, more gas =problem solved, but as you can imagine I know that something is definitely wrong. It has all the normal dousche-baggery of any cliche 2g ,CAI,Full cat- motor swap which occured at 190k to the b18(previous owner) from a gsr with 90k-nothing else . The car has ran like a dream for a year now these symptoms.Any help would be greatly appreciated . Any trolling not.

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RS owner
a tune up wouldnt hurt and may be the cause of it.

distributor cap/rotor
spark plugs amd wires
fuel filter
sea foam


Coy and RexPepper both bring up very good points.

You should give it a tune up, another thought is that the catalytic converter might be plugging up. I've seen it happen to more than one car and it causes bogging.


get the codes read, check you spark plugs. see what they look like, and match them to a photo chart dont just trow them away


Thx for the speedy reply guys

Ill pick up new plugs/wires and fuel filter today. replace them, and let you know how it goes. I could only hope for it to be something that trivial. Thx again


Active Member
thats what it was on my old civic i had was plugs my father had the same problem ended up being the cat. all very simple and cheap fixes hoe you get it fixed let us know what it was!


nothing from nowhere
your gonna have to determine if it's fuel or spark, could be either one. low fuel pressure?bad dizzy?etc


Well put some nice plugs and wires on the acura today but unf. they didnt have my fuel filter in stock so I ordered it. It needs a tune up anyway as it has not had one in a year at least. Still having the same issues , but i noticed that there is a funny smell about the engine compartment almost like plastic burning ,but nothing is burning. I fully and thoroughly investigated the engine as well as wiring harnesses to no avail, there is simply nothing burning.Could this be the cat?Also keep in mind this car has a brand new clutch that operates very well, plus it doesn't smell like clutch more like plastic near the intake manifold.To be a bit more specific on the sputtering/stalling, it only does it when the car is at operating temperature.I.e. 25 min of driving around town to get it to happen today, while cold no symptoms. Sry im such a newb with acuras trying to get to know this car XD I really like it and has been very good to me thx for all the help