

New Member
Hey guys and gals.... I'm new here, but I think that is obvious. I've owned my 94 Teg for years now and we don't plan on parting anytime soon. I'm from Saint John, New Brunswick, a small city in the Maritimes (yes, the atlantic region of Canada). Ive been browsing the forum for awhile, so I'm sure I'll fit right in. I'm the owner of a new Integra site that I am trying to get off the ground... I just put it online last night. See my signature for more details. Feel free to join and post to help other Integra owners out! Anymore questions, feel free to ask. I hope I can share my passion for Integra's with the rest of you.

Also, I'll be posting pictures of my ride soon.
So, in conclusion, hello to all!


EDIT! See my ride at http://www.clubintegra.com/board/showthread.php?t=28963.
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