Hey whats up?


New Member
Hows it goin? Got onto this site a while back in february but haven't really had much time to get on here and say hey. Well first teg was a 94 LS auto that I basically just acquired...if i had a choice i wouldn't have an auto (no offense to auto owners). Ended up having to sell that one but earlier this year I found what I thought was a pretty good deal. Came across a 97 dc4 with less than 130k on it. Really like the way my other teg handled but this one of course was a 5spd and alot more fun to drive so i got it. I'm finally starting the process of getting it to where I want it. Needed both fenders and a hood, and pretty much all the front end needs paint. But got the fenders and the hood just a couple days ago so it's getting there. Will post pics of progress as it's made lol

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New Member
nice pick up glad you went 5 spd people usually get stuck on there car and won't want to change lol like me but i prefer auto's
Welcome to the site!


New Member
thanks. im real happy with it. I'm lookin to start paint next week. got the fenders dry sanded yesterday so ready to get going with that. Windows getting done tomorrow morning and will try to get some of the interior done next week as well. I'd like to find a set of meshies for it but we'll see i guess.