Heres my old car


New Member
like it says sold my shell and im not planning on putting it in anything for along time. just thought i would show the car start to finish.

started off like this

then went to this

dirt hood and all

got rain on

went and bought some boost

then the day i sold it last time washed and detailed and sold it



Super Moderator
I imagine the supercharged K was just a tad quicker than the D that was in it LOL

Why did you sell it? It Was a nice car :thumbs up


teg driver
wow, thats a lot of work, i didnt think i would have sold it, but maybe just bought another car to drive daily. that thing was sick


New Member
its just time and some headaches i really dont like red so that was 99% of the reason i sold it


teg driver
understand not liking the red color, i personally dont like tegs in any color other than white, silver, or black


New Member
should have keep the swap and put it in that white one you just got
i still have the swap

supercharged k20 FTW!!!
supercharged k24 FTMFW!!!

understand not liking the red color, i personally dont like tegs in any color other than white, silver, or black
same here

what kind of problems did you run into? was the supercharger not a great DD? Sick teg BTW!
no real problem just the thought of having over 13k into mods being stolen worried me too much

That was a nice looking car man. If you didn't like the color, why not just repaint it?
that would have been too much work to change the color to white


teg driver
^months of work to get everything painted, because that is how we ride. nothing is left unpainted, if your gonna paint a car then you might as well paint the whole thing.

that would include taking everything out and stripping out everything, and then shelling out a grand or so to get a good paint job, and then reassembling everything