HenshinTeg Eye Candy - 700kb (WARNING 56k)


new driver
The Original is the White one....I hope this does not violate any copyright...if so erase the thread...I sorta want my future integra to look like this...so I did em in several colors....if anyone wants to know how to get these colors I included some general guidline to follow below...

First make your crop/selection of the part...assuming it is white to begin with...then do a hue saturation / color change with saturation on highest and hue on what ever color # u desire....then after that it should look kinda too shiny...so do a Brightness/Contrast and lower the brightness by a fair amount..just to get the color darker...it should look kinda dull after that....then go back and do the same Hue/Saturation color changer effect again...it should give it some colorful boost.

ORIGINAL IMAGE - Copyright of Fast & Furious East

What color do you guys like most?

im leaning towards red because its rare down here..and that candy red sorta matches...
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Ominous G2

I like the blue, but those things on the bumper have gotta go.


Super Moderator
I like the red and blue with the carbon fiber hood. I think some bronze or gold rims would really set those colors off.


Type R
i like the red i want to paint my car milano red one day when i get extra cash... ohh yea nd the pink one is hot i'm tryin to get my girl to get a gsr so she can put a front on it and paint it pink... of course daddy will buy her anything

Ominous G2

The two-tone yellow/white would look better if the yellow was a different color.

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the two tone white/green is soooooooooooooo sexy but then again im bias i love greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen lol my favorite color


new driver
except i used a base coat and then a second coat when i psp'd the image..lol...yurs looks like thin paint...but just an observation..not an insult by any means...thx for postin . :)