new driver
The Original is the White one....I hope this does not violate any copyright...if so erase the thread...I sorta want my future integra to look like I did em in several colors....if anyone wants to know how to get these colors I included some general guidline to follow below...
im leaning towards red because its rare down here..and that candy red sorta matches...
First make your crop/selection of the part...assuming it is white to begin with...then do a hue saturation / color change with saturation on highest and hue on what ever color # u desire....then after that it should look kinda too do a Brightness/Contrast and lower the brightness by a fair amount..just to get the color should look kinda dull after that....then go back and do the same Hue/Saturation color changer effect should give it some colorful boost.
ORIGINAL IMAGE - Copyright of Fast & Furious East
What color do you guys like most?
im leaning towards red because its rare down here..and that candy red sorta matches...
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