

New Member
I have a 1990 Acura Integra DOHC 1.8 LS. Here is the problem, when I press on the gas it seems to struggle to get up to speed and I do not know why. I just replaced the timing belt, water pump, and tensioner. The check engine light came on while I was driving but it seem to run fine. It only struggles to get up to speed when I first start to drive it. Please help me I don't know what to do?


New Member
Pull the code from the check engine light, your ecu is telling you something's not right

Did it do it before you replaced your timing belt? If not you could be off a tooth on the belt, which would cause it to run poorly

DC Guardian

Uniqueness defines
X2 on the tooth.

It woudnt happen to be a misfire would it? Idk if that would be related to the skipped tooth

Sent from my DC4


New Member
Yes the led signal indicated the tp sensor was bad so I replaced it and also the cam shaft positioner sensor was bad so I replaced it by buying a new distributor. Then after that I replaced the timing belt? My friend said it could be the mass airflow sensor but the thing is there is no mass airflow sensor that comes with the 1990 Acura Integra I was told it was another type of sensor that does the same thing but I don't know what it is called.


New Member
Your integra uses MAP ( manifold absolute pressure) instead of a MAF ( mass airflow sensor)

Was the car running poorly before the timing belt was done?


New Member
So that should rule out the car being out of time.

New throttle position sensor
New distributor

Hesitation when accelerating..

Plugs and wires all in good shape?

You should have some timing adjustment in the distributor mounting bolts( pardon me if this is wrong im new to b series always dealt with h series)
Did you adjust this correctly using a timing light?

Does the hesitation clear up in the upper Rpms or it just bogs/hesitates all the time?
Only when the cars cold? Or even after it's warmed up?


New Member
Yes the hesitation clears up in the higher rpms I replaced the sparkplugs it only bogs when I am in lower rpms like in 2nd gear or 3rd but when I get up to speed it does clear. However, when I changed the spark plugs the ends were white so idk if that would be an issue.


New Member
White electrodes means the engine is running lean

Have any mods on the engine?

O2 sensor would be my next guess


New Member
Yes a lazy o2 can cause a lot of issues including hesitation stumbling poor fuel mileage etc


New Member
Jump the connector like you do to check for any codes, I believe o2 is 11 or 12

But a half bad 02 won't blow a code, just last week I swapped one out of a customers car because he was getting barely 20mpg, computer said it was fine, my shop scanner said differently