New Member
what are you planning to do? I need a little more info before i can help ya out here are you planning on buying a kit or building your own? Kit's give u almost everything but building your own turbo kit is much cheaper? What are you looking to get out of it as far as hp?


New Member
risk with building your own tho, is you then have to get everything measured out correctly and such... and can sometimes more tedious than some want.... id build my own...but if u want a quick fix go with a greddy turbo kit and switch out the turbo later ;) or go HKS GT0z4 kit :-D only 7k ahahah


i would order a greddy kit myself thats wat i think im gonna do i hear it comes with the e manage software now


New Member
Are you talking about companies or types of turbos? If you are talking types, like T3/T4, then please tell us more on what your goals are. When do you want to reach full boost? What HP numbers are you looking for?


New Member
i just wanted to get a little more info on wht kinda of turbo's work well and efficient(quality).I also want some thing that is not to expensive.and how much HP are theses turbs putting out?thanks alot


New Member
Well now where do we start. Each turbo has its own effeciency "area". A T3 Super 60 will perform diffrently than a T3/T04b. There are diffrent trim levels which give an idea of where they effeciency of the turbo is. What you will need to look for is effeciency graphs for the turbos.

This is a effecinecy graph or map for a T3 Super 60 turbo. On the X axis or the lower axis is the amount of intake your car requires. There is a equation on how you get a number to see where you start at.

CFM = (L x RPM x VE x Pr)/5660
L= engine size in Liters
RPM= Rev per MIn
VE= Volumetric efficieny
Pr= Pressure Ratio.

VE is .90 or 90%
Pr= (14.7+boost)/14.7

You will need to figure out at least two points on the graph. One at idle where the PR =1 and one at redline so you can figure out what kind of effency you are getting out of the turbo. OR once you have the two points you can figure out the turbo that has the best effency for your application.


I'm sorry if I sound like a newbie, cause I guess I am when it comes to turbos. What does the trims mean? LIke a 50 trim, 60 trim, 70 trim? Also what is the A/R rating? Thanks


New Member
if you want a get either get a drag turbo kit or a revhard..... but if you have the mony get a full race turbo kit


New Member
Joepb4life said:
wht kinda of turbos do u recremend and what other things will u need to swap or add?
for an integra im thinking go with a new or rebuilt stock eclipse gst/ gsx turbo if your running a stock internal motor


new driver
i kno nothing.and i wud go with a greddy kit...rofl... :)

intentional EDIT.. = thats cause i am stupid..and know nothing..did i say that ^^ ok ill shaddup now..