help with engine swap


New Member
so, i was racing mt 91 integra at an oval track last week, and i blew my engine. theres a 6x2 inch hole just to the left of the exaust manifold, just above the oil pan. right where the crank is at. i decided im just going to replace the motor altogether, and im just looking for things to look out for. its my first time doing an engine swap-, so id likr to have help with do's and dont's. the engine is a b18a1


Well-Known Member
Get a crank pulley tool. It will be a lifesaver if you dont have a VERY strong impact gun. And pull the transmission along with the motor. I decided to pull the motor separate, and had a less than pleasurable time getting the spline back into the transmission.


Like Mirrorimg said, get a crank pulley tool if you do not have a good air compressor/impact gun.
Take the transmission out of the car with the engine.

Take pictures of your engine bay! Every angle you can get. It'll help with reinstallation.
Make sure you know where ALL the hoses go. Mark them with tape and a marker. (A1, A1)

Try to install the alternator when you put the engine in. If the engine is in you will either have to pull the master cylinder, driveaxle, or intake manifold to be able to get to it.

If your unsure of anything ask here.


New Member
how do you take the cv axlesout/put the back in?


New Member
and how do you pull the engine and transmission out? i have an engine jack and chains, but no where to hook to.


I dont know how to do the axle part. I had head work to do after the engine went in so I just bolted it up when the head was off. I can give you steps for removing the engine alone, but not with the transmission. I did the engine alone, and it was a pain in the ass.


Well-Known Member
You have to pop the axle nuts off of each wheel and slide the axle out of the transmission I believe. Never really researched it, but if you google how to change an axle, you would find your answer there.

I used some bolts to pull it out, I had already taken the head off. You could use/make some brackets to hoist it out with, there should already be one on the transmission.

You can see it here


I remember trying to remove the axle to install the alternator, it wouldnt come with just the axle nut off. I just put it back together and left it cause the head was coming off anyways.

Find a bolt hole and thread one through a chain, I believe I used the power steering pump bracket and the top distributor bolt hole.


New Member
so, once i have the motor disconnected, how do i lift the motor out? chains around the intake and exuahst? bolt chains into motor mounts?


Like I said, I bolted one end of the chain to the power steering bracket and the other end diagonal to the top bolt hole of the distributor.