Help me with my next turbo selection please :)


New Member
Hey guys! So I'm looking for recommendations for a new turbo for my 98 GSR since my good ol' very reliable (insert sarcasm here) Cx racing turbo decided to start blowing oil past the seals due to one of three things (which have been fixed). But anyways, I made 260Hp on roughly 12psi on my current T3-To4E 60 trim. It has a 63 A/R exhaust side and 60 A/R compressor side with a 5 bolt downpipe. I'm looking for something similar to this, definetly something with the same exhaust side bolt pattern because I just got the downpipe I have built and don't want to make another..

I've been interested in the Borg Warner turbo's, A friend mentioned that they have s300 and s200 models but I don't know anything about them quite yet. I would also be fine with a precision, but am not familiar with their models either as of yet.. I also saw a Turbonetics that looked pretty good, the part number was #11025. My car is my daily driver, so I would like a turbo that is street friendly, but would still like it to be capable of the 260-350 range. I'd like to spend around $500-$700, but would prefer to stay around $500 if possible.
I'm still researching, but I just wanted to ask you guys what would be good to help me as I research as well. I probably want to stick with a journal bearing because the BB are much more expensive from what I've seen, and probably wouldn't need a BB for my needs.

So to sum it up:

  • Something around $500 as possible
  • Needs to be a 5 bolt exhaust housing
  • needs to be capable of the 250-350 HP range
  • Needs to be streetable
  • Needs to be able to fit in with stock radiator
Thanks for any recommendations!


There is a guy on here selling a 5 bolt precision 5454 journal bearing turbo for 600 I believe. He put up a post yesterday.

Edit: it's a 5857 model precision. His name is NsaneDC4
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Not a M0derator
go to precision's website. and look at their smallest aftermarket replacement turbos.


New Member
I just looked and the smallest HP ratings I'm seeing are around 400 and up, do they have anything that you know of that would be good for my application?


New Member
I was just looking on and saw the garrett gt28, looks like a good fit to me


New Member
I also found a turbonetics t3/t4 63 trim with the right exhaust side for $744. Are turbonetics generally good turbo's?


Not a M0derator
I dont like turbonetics. They aren't sh!ty turbos but they are OLD technology.

For that price range you could get a journal bearing version of the GT28 like this.

or this is slightly larger.

But if you can afford it then the ball bearing the GT28R is your best option

small gt2860 - the classic RS

larger gt2871

badass gtx2863

mac daddy gtx2867

ATP Turbo is expensive so keep in mind you can get these same turbos elsewhere for less. Im just showing you the different turbos.

Precision has smaller turbos in their catalog that are not on their website for some reason. Id recommend the 48xx series such as the 4831 and larger 4854. I think youll be happy with their price level. There is even a smaller 4828 but its a T25 and I would recommend you stay away from a T25 frame turbo and simply find the smallest T3 frame.


New Member
Ok cool ill check those out! As far as Borg warners go, do you know if they make any that aren't a v band? All the ones I've seen are, would they have any good models you'd reccomend?


Not a M0derator
I honestly dont know the BW lineup well enough to recommend anything. They are good turbos though. V-band is the way to go if you can. Those Precision 48xx is your best, cheapest option.


New Member
I wish I could afford to go v band :( just for information perposes, what are the advantages of it? Is it just good because many turbo's are v-band and you could have more options that way? I'm almost positive I'm going to be going with a gt28


Not a M0derator
You can afford a GT28 but not vband? The advantages are serviceability. The T3 and downpipe bolts have a tendency to vibrate loose or rust and seize bc they are constantly under extreme temps and rapid cooling. Think exhaust bolts, awful. Plus vband doesnt use a gasket and is less likely to leak.


New Member
The gt28 im looking at is $770, and all the v bands I've seen are around that price, and ill have to pay to have my Dp modified :(


New Member
I am looking into installing a turbo kit into my integra in the near future, and I am wondering if any components of the exhaust system (headers, cat converter, or cat back) will have to be adjusted or tampered with?