Help...i need to know if my motor is stolen? were can i find the little bar code?HELP


New Member
so i have a 95 integra ls special edition....with a gsr motor and tranny and i was want to know were on the motor do i look for that bar code number thing..that i would need to use on carfax. i want to know if the motor is stolen or what are the orignal miles on were can i find that number code to carfax the motor? also how much does carfax cost? is there any free services like carfax..that will give me the same info?

can you guys post a pic or something of were that bar code should be located? on my block were it says the left of that..i can see that there was a little bar code sticker there but it looks removed...


Super Duper Moderator
There's not going to ba a VIN number on the engine, but they do have their own serial numbers. It's where your B18C1 engine code is, it's either right above it or right below it, I can't remember which. It's etched into the metal, so the only way to remove it is with sandpaper. To the left of the B18C1 code, on the tranny, is where the tranny's serial # is, sounds like that's what's been removed. Not so hard to remove since its only a sticker.
There are only 2 places on the whole car you'll find the VIN#, on top of the dash on the driver side, and in the engine bay on the firewall, right over the fuel pressure regulator's bracket.


New Member
so if that code that is on top or under the removed..then is there any way i can see if the motor is stolen? and to see how many miles it has on it? also the vin # that is in the engine bay or on the dash..will any of those give me any info on the engine or tranny or is that just for the body? and do you know any other services besides check this much is carfax? any way i can check this without paying?


Super Duper Moderator
96GSR said:
the vin # that is in the engine bay or on the dash..will any of those give me any info on the engine or tranny or is that just for the body?
The VIN will tell you the engine the car came with, B18B or B18C, but it can't tell you the engine's serial #. Since you have a B18C in your SE, your VIN can't do diddly squat when it comes to getting info on your B18C. I don't know of any other way to find out where an engine came from, but if your engine's serial number has been removed that's a very bad sign. Why else would someone remove it other than to erase it's identity because it's hot, it's illegal to remove it or tamper with it at all. But the penalty for a removed engine code is much less severe than the penalty for possesion of stolen property.
I think Carfax only deals with VIN #'s, not engine codes.


New Member
ya im about to go check if my block has the code thing on it! hopefully is does..i hope i dont have a fucken stolen engine or anything like that! how many digits or letters is the code usually? ya some guy wants to buy my car for $6k to $6.5k and he was asking me is the car reffed or has it been tagged or some shit for having that motor in that car...becuase he wants to know if the car has a stolen motor! so ya he wants the engine code thing...but thanks tegsox! is there any any other thing like carfax that is free?

oh and here is a listing of my car on


New Member
ya i found that code thing...good thing that shit was scrapped of or anything! but now is there any way i can use that code to check the miles on the motor? the guy who wants to buy it wants to know if the car is reffed...i thought you dont have to get the car reffed unless the motor is from a different car like putting a integra motor in a civic. do i have to get it reffed if the motor is from a integra in a integra? also any way i can check the miles on the motor?

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New Member
yeah, i'm pretty sure it will have to be reffed. You went from OBD1 to OBD2. When u go to get it smogged, the inspector will notice that you have OBD2 and will probably refer you to a referee.

I'm not sure how you'd find the mileage, unless you have documentation from when the motor was pulled if it was done by a shop. Even if you have those, if you are still using the LS gauges, it most likely won't record the mileage accurately with the GSR motor.