Help! Car idles low and dies when revved

DB8 sleeper

New Member
my buddy accidently misshift from 3rd to 2nd instead of to 4th and now his car barely even runs. CEL is on and i pull the codes for misfire in cylinder 3 and 4. At first when u start up the car u have to keep it at a rev or else itll die, now it will stay ilde but very low and sputter, when u step on the gas, the rpm jumps and just drops down and the car dies. I checked the wires and plugs already. tried swapping them with another set of wire and plugs but still the same case. tried swapping the distributor just to see if it was the coil but still the same case. does any body have and clue of what else it could be? any input is appreciated.

ps. his car is a stock 01 gsr.


BBS wanted
Bent valves, do a copmression check, check your spark plugs make sure theire not damaged, get a timing light to make sure the timing belt didnt skip any teeth

DB8 sleeper

New Member
I did a compression test and it read like this C1-161 C2-125 C3-10 C4-90. I thought it was a lil funny so i checked it again after a lil bit and it came out even worse C1-140 C2-100 C3-10 C4-100. Possibly bent valves? Where do i go from here?


New Member
DB8 sleeper said:
I did a compression test and it read like this C1-161 C2-125 C3-10 C4-90. I thought it was a lil funny so i checked it again after a lil bit and it came out even worse C1-140 C2-100 C3-10 C4-100. Possibly bent valves? Where do i go from here?
Yea he definately blew up is engine....the numbers should all be around 200 psi in each cylinder...i'm guessing he floated the valves or bent them which is why the compression is bad. Not good


Super Moderator
i've seen a guy do that in a prelude. he went to drop into 4th on the freeway and hit second. blew the headgasket between #3 and #4 cylinders and bent the #3 rod. you probably bent some valves but have you check to see if it your headgasket though. look for coolant between the head and block or you can smell the coolant burning in the exhaust. headgasket would be cheaper so that would be nice

DB8 sleeper

New Member
nothing looks out of the ordinary when lookin at the engine. nothin leakin or anythin..the only thing different now is that the car idles funny and dies out and you can smell gas.