Help a newbie with making power


Help a newbie with power

Sup guys...i'm new to the forum, but i'll be getting my 1998 integra ls 5sp. in about 2weeks hopefully. I wanted an import a while back but just now deciding to get one becuz i want to go faster.
Can an LS be quick(er) if you build it right?? I wont be getting deep into building the motor just yet becuz i need to finish my truck but... I've looked over many many many times, performance parts.
First on the list is intake...I'm thinking about getting an AEM v2 CIA. since i dont have a v-tec and this CIA supposedley helps throughout the entire rpm range i figured thats the best bet. Any advice???


Super Duper Moderator
Welcome to the board. Sure, you can make a non-VTEC quicker. With a properly sized I/H/C/E setup, you can be at least as fast as a stock GSR. As far as choosing a CAI or a SRI, do a search here and you'll find plenty of good info on that. The pro and cons of each I laid out well in some threads. It's alot to go over that I don't want to parrot again here :)
But think about where do you want to build power in the rpm range, midrange or high rpm? We can then help you pick a properly sized header and exhaust.


Super Duper Moderator
Jmoney187 said:
I wont be getting deep into building the motor just yet becuz i need to finish my truck
I think LS/VTEC fit into the catagory "deep into building the motor". Sounds like he wants help on bolt-on's.
