heater problems


New Member
well lads i recently bough a DA6 xsi project and i was putting in the heater today i had it all in when i noticed i didnt connect the air/mix cable but i dont know where its suppose to go any help appreciated


Maybe this will help you. It's a db2 box.

Two of the covered black cables should go to your temperature knob. The one uncovered one that's from outside goes to the linkage on the blend door.


New Member
thanks for your input but because its a xsi it has electrical temperature so would that mean it doesnt need the cable because its done electrically ?


New Member
Cause the cable runs to the valve in the engine bay on the fire wall. Without that cable the electric actuator won't pull on that cable opening the valve.


New Member
yea i see where it connects to on the firewall but do you know where it connects to on the heater side of things ?


New Member
It actually looks like you are missing a plastic bracket, but I could be mistaken. Google images of it and see if its missing anything.