heat issue


New Member
when i first get in my car turn it on the heat works ,but only on 4th setting(full blast). Then i drive for like 7 or 8 minutes.then i have no heat,drive for like 20 more minutes with no heat, then heat comes back on for only like 5 minutes this time. then no heat again.coolant levels are fine,new thero
I am thinking the blower heater???
anyone ever had issues like this.
how do i check it??


No turbo, no problem.
your blower moter should be fine, stop your car and listen to see if its still on. im thinking its the thermostat. i know its new, but if it s a high performance therm, its going to be cycling more often than a regular one, so its going to be cutting off your radiator from the engine more often. when it stops heating, check the temp of your upper radiator hose. oh, and is your engine temp changing with the heat coming from the vents?