headliner removal


New Member
i did a serch and couldnt find any thing i have a 1994 ls integra and the sunroof wont open so i have to take the headliner out how hard is that to do i cant find any kind of instructions on here or something any help would be great




not sure on the right way to remove it. but id say take the strip near the hatch off, then start taking the panels above the door off. there should some screws or bolts along the side of it too. also remove the dome light and sun visors.


Unregistered User
1.) take down the trim
2.) pop off the lense on your dome light and unscrew it
3.) Unscrew the visors
4.) fit the headliner out where ever you can without bending it too much. (I took mine out my trunk)


New Member
i bumped it 25 hours later see where one said today the top said yesterday thanks for all the helpfull input guys gives me a project this weekend


yesss i seee my bad man. but yeah, just go out there and start unscrewing stuff. youll figure it out.


Super Duper Moderator
It's not hard if you have the right tools for the job, it's just time consuming. Some of the screws you'll need to take out (like for the visors and the Oh Shit handle, maybe more) are Torx heads, but they'll come out with the right size flat head screwdriver. I got my liner out through the passenger side door. You can't get it out through the driver's side cuz the steering wheel will be in the way.
That liner has some weight to it, and it won't be long before your arms and shoulders will be on fire trying to maneuver it out of the car by yourself without bending it. If you can, get someone to help you hold it up as you remove the final items and it starts to fall on you, lol.


Yeah ive actually never done it, but i have in my old car. But it wasnt heavy, our tegs headliners are heavy? Oh well they are that vinyl material right? How much weight savings do you think theyre worth? Weight savings up high=great! A la BMW CF roof panels.


new driver
Yeah ive actually never done it, but i have in my old car. But it wasnt heavy, our tegs headliners are heavy? Oh well they are that vinyl material right? How much weight savings do you think theyre worth? Weight savings up high=great! A la BMW CF roof panels.
cut off the roof and make it a convertible for ultimate weight savings..


Yeah but itd sacrifice too much rigidity...

You know once i was listening to "car talk" on NPR and some douche called in right. He told the guys that he took a fucking reciprocating saw to the pillars to cut his roof off and make it a convertible, and then asked why his car was so messed up and stiff as a wet noodle.
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