Head lifted under boost maybe?


Integra God
so per my daily routine, this morning i went out and checked my oil before i started my car up. oil on the dipstick looked fine, but was a couple mm below the top dot, so i added a little bit. when i took the oil cap off, it had milky oil on it. ftmfl. dip stick looked fine, so i didnt get a ton of coolant for a full mix, but there was at least some leakage. first thought is that the head lifted a little under boost, but i drained my catch can and it was overflowing!!! so now im kinda thinking that some of the catch can shit drained back into the oil. and anyone who has ever drained a catch can knows what that shit looks like. car drove great all day today with no overheating or smoking, so i dont know. im gonna change the oil tomorrow and see if i get any milkiness over the next couple days. if so, guess ill be at least pulling the cams to retorque my head studs; and possibly swapping the headgasket. i hope some nasty catch can stuff drained back in and caused a minor mixage. :x


Undercover mod
sweet any head gasket problems on high boost?
none yet, but dont jinx me. lol. temp stays at 170-175 while im driving, and gets up to about 185-190 when sitting still in traffic
Saw that coming Mr. Big bore:D sorry to jnix you in your build up thread... bigger not always better lol but its pretty common when you go so big on a Bseries and you will get weird shit like this happening. i would never recomend taking one past 84mm on boost maybe 84.5 but really anything after 84 should be used for an NA set up but you already know all this stuff so im sure you will get your shiz sorted out and have it working fine... you have water injection yet? hope its something simple
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Integra God
still doesnt overheat or feel like it lost any power. im hoping i just had a full catch can and some drained back in. ill know how bad it is once i drain the oil


Undercover mod
Cool well let us know... hope all is good


Integra God
guess ill get out of bed now and go work on the car. need to hook up my greddy profec, change the oil, adjust my traction bars, and cut my coupler about 6" shorter that comes off the turbo


Undercover mod
guess ill get out of bed now and go work on the car. need to hook up my greddy profec, change the oil, adjust my traction bars, and cut my coupler about 6" shorter that comes off the turbo
6" is a lot lol

i almost got a profec not to long ago. it was selling for cheap


Integra God
i got mine for 100 bucks! :) drained the oil and i watched it drain all the way out. looked like regular oil, so i guess it was just a little catch can back flow.


Integra God
that greddy ebc is badical. i hooked it up today and wow what a difference. the boost delivery is much better and smoother is seems. the car also has hella more torque since i can change when the wastegate cracks open. it was breaking third loose something serious tonight. i think my mac solenoid failed in a partially open state because i was running 14psi with the pwm in the ecu turned off. when i removed the valve, i was only running 10. hooked up the greddy and set the duty cycle to 20% and its boosting around 13 now. on 13psi it feels MUCH faster than before; MUCH MUCH faster. the butt dyno likes the greddy ebc A LOT.


Integra God
indeed. i have never had an ebc before, so its new to me. im still learning how to use it, so im sure the settings could use a good tweaking to dial them in perfectly. i want to drive back to the dyno and get a pump gas tune on 20psi now!!!