Head Gasket / Crank Shaft Bolt


New Member
I'm in the process of doing my head gasket. finished pulling the head off this evening. The issue is that i couldnt get the bolt for the crank shaft off.. I tried an impact running at 140psi and didn't do a damn thing . threw a breaker bar on there with leverage and still got nothing .

So i said screw it and pulled the cams out with the timing belt still on. The belt looks new so who ever had the car last must of replaced it.

What im getting at is am i gonna run into some problems putting the cams back in such as slack or anything since i cant get the timing belt cover off and get to the tensioner?
Does anyone have any ideas about how to get the crankshaft pulley off.. im afraid of breaking something if i use to much leverage.


Well-Known Member
Theres a rubber cover where the tensioner bolt is. You can loosen the tensioner from that access hole, but you need to take the crank pulley off to change the belt.

I assume it keeps spinning when you try to turn it with a breaker bar? Get a honda crank pulley tool.


New Member
when using the breaker bar i got a strap wrench around the pulley and works great. just cant get the bolt to bust loose


Well-Known Member
How long is the breaker bar? Luckily for me I didnt need an extension, but I did need an extension for my axle nuts.

I suggest you get a metal pipe to give you more leverage.


New Member
i was using a pipe for leverage but stoped cause i didnt know if id tweak anything.
lol the whole damn motor was twisting on the two mounts..


Well if you break your motor mounts removing your crank pulley it's probably time to replace them. :p

Like Jason said, just get a big metal pipe to put on the breaker bar. (Or, you know, some muscle. :D )
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New Member
haha true.. and it defiantly is time to replace them just got to have the money. sucks being broke
whats a decent mount set that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?


New Member
No clue bout mounts. Im still searching too. I recommend going to oreilys and getting the honda crank pulley tool. Theres a deposit, but its 100% refundable when you return it. I did my water pump and timing belt this past weekend and you will need to have that pulley off. Idk if taking those cams off like that was a good idea. Hope u really know what ur doin lol. My point is(the right tools get the job done easier). When I did mine, I had two breaker bars. 1 for the honda crank pulley tool(If ur motor is in TDC it should rest on the ground while inserted in the pulley). Then I used the second breaker bar and put it as close to the bumper as I could. You wont be able to get a metal pipe on there if you just jacked it up. If its on a lift then yea. Then I stood up, and used my foot to press down on the breaker bar(standing in front of the bumper). Its hard as hell but it works. The ground provides counter leverage. If u cant do it this way( tow it to a shop, itll be cheaper than replacing a crank shaft). Also when u put it back in, do vice versa except ur pushing up against the bumper(with a torque wrench) and the spindle is providing ur leverage for the honday crank pulley bar. Put oil on the bolt but make sure to NOT GET IT ON THE WASHER. Torque it first to 145 lbs then undo it completely and torque it to 130 lbs(per manual).

You mentioned it looks like the last person who owned it prolly changed the belt since it looks new. Well this may be ur problem. They prolly didnt oil the crankshaft pulley bolt when they put it back on. Thas a bitch man. Sorry for writing a book lol


New Member
Oh also, you will need a half inch extension for the cranshaft pulley bolt so u can get past the honda crank pulley tool. Sucks when u get home and realize u need somethin else. I recommend a small 3 in or so.


New Member
ya i was looking at the tool last night just didn't want to fork out the $50 for it.. guess ill go get it and give it a shot. thanks for the detailed advice, its vary much appreciated.


You don't need the tool if a strap wrench will hold the pulley in place. Put a socket on the bolt and give it a good hit with a hammer once or twice. Then try the impact gun or breaker bar again. Trick my dad taught me for tough bolts. Usually lets it break free and turn out.


New Member
got the tool and was able to bust the bolt no problem. it worked so much easier then the strap i was using.. the strap i was using had too much give. thanks for the advice


New Member
well the riping stuff apart job is.. waiting for my gasket set and water pump to come in tomorrow.. i was just checking out your write up.. u mentioned that this would be a great time to put in a new alternator..
u know i was thinking that and thinking about how crappy it would be to get all this done and then my alternator to go out a month later or so.. thats my luck anyways..
and advice on finding a good alternator? Ive always just bought what was at the closest shop


I always buy the cheapest. :D
I've got a stern philosophy that all parts are created equal. :)

But you know, if it's charging good and what not, don't worry about it. I'm going to go get my engine parts today. I've actually been thinking about doing a write up on a bottom end engine re-build. (I don't have money to rebuild my head atm.)