New Member
so its like 1am sunday morning and im going home.
1st raced my friends 00civic ex i/e, from a stop once i hit 3rd good bye 8)
2nd kill new carolla S, on the freeway .not even a challenge good 3bus's ahead of him.
3rd when i got off the freeway i found an rsx raced him from a stop and i lost by 3cars :cry: well i did good for just a CAI
, now time 4 bed its 4:20am
1st raced my friends 00civic ex i/e, from a stop once i hit 3rd good bye 8)
2nd kill new carolla S, on the freeway .not even a challenge good 3bus's ahead of him.
3rd when i got off the freeway i found an rsx raced him from a stop and i lost by 3cars :cry: well i did good for just a CAI