GSR header fit an LS?


Second Glance
Does a GSR Header fit a LS? Will line up to the piping the same? Would like to know before I buy.. (great deal)


New Member
it depends on the model year that the header was designed for

94-99 GSR header is shorter, so you would need to modify the cat or b- pipe to make it work (or you could buy cat and exhaust also designed for the GSR)

but it will fit if its for a 00-01 GSR without modification


Super Duper Moderator
GSR and LS exhaust manifolds are different legnths, and 94-99 and 00-01 GSR exhaust manifolds are different legnths too. But what you could do is buy a universal high flow cat and have it cut to legnth to bridge the gap between the header and your exhaust perfectly.


New Member
Im not arguningwith anyone just puttin in my 2 cents. I have a 95 ls. I bought a header for it and had a custom exhaust biult with a high flow cat. When I did my lsvtec with a 95 gsr head it still bolted up perfectly. Maybe that helps you out good luck


Super Duper Moderator
He's not asking about it bolting up to the head. He's asking about the other end, the cat and B pipe.


New Member
whatever cool I guess I misunderstood the question

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