Grinding noises Brakes?


New Member
So, When I start to accelerate, or go over some bumps and even press the brakes, but its very inconstant. I hear a like a grinding or scraping noise. I think its coming from my brakes. Not sure what it is, I've been looking around online but there are so many answers not sure if its right for me. Its not my brakes going out cus my brakes do squeak from time to time but this noise or more of a grinding..


Looking for my next Teg..
These gars can transfer sound quite badly... Grinding sounds can be amplifed through the chasis in my experience... My brakes are a great example... after just replacing the rotors and pads I could hear them "grinding a little... it wasn't due to improper install or anythig like that.. it was jst anormal sound being transferred tthrough the chassis.

Now... that said... if it is obnoxiously loud & causing major concern.... I'd suspect Brakes, Wheel Bearing, some rotating part of the car based on what you are describing.

Pulling the brake caliperson these cars is quite simple & allows the rotors t be just as easily removed once they are off. this makes inspecting the wheel bearings a pretty simple task. I suggest you do all of those steps to...

1) check your pads
2) check your suspension
3) check your rotors
4) check the wheel bearings

once you can rule those out then you can start looking to other areas... The above steps shouldn't take more than 3 hours for even a basic mechanic.


New Member
You dont have to remove any parts to check your wheel bearings. Just jack up that wheel and try to wiggle it in any direction to see if there is any play. Keep in mind this is the same way you check tie rods. Tie rods wiggle side to side, wheel bearing is any direction.