got a problem


New Member
okay the other day i rear ended another while trying to slow down but ended up hitting them b/c another car pulled in front of them and end up ruining my bumper and hood and headlights, and i started this thread cause i also ruined the bar that holds the radiator, headlights etc, on the top is smashed was exactly is that called so i can get one at a junk yard

its the white bar thing by battery and radiator
please help thahnks


Senior Ricer
Yeah, those are part of the frame. It might be worth more of your time to just go to a body shop.

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
post a pic of what yours looks like....

and that is the very top of the core support, it extends all the way down to underneath the radiator and spans the entire front end. it is part of the frame and they are not cheap to have replaced. replacing it involves cutting the old one off and welding on a new one (which if not done extremely carefully can ruin the entire front end) also finding one used is very difficult since most cars at a junkyard have front end damage
