get car primed


New Member
my car i juts bought could really need new paint but i dont got enough but jw how much would it couset roughly for just getting the vehicles old paint removed and then getting it all primed?

also is it bad to have a caar just primed? would it be more immune to getting rust?

just need some advice and dont say juts save up and get a full paint job thanks.


Lets see what I can answer here...

First off, you don't need to remove all the old paint when putting a new paint job on. Mostly it can just be sanded down smooth. No, it is not bad to leave a car with just primer. Besides looking tacky, people do it all the time. As long as you sand down any rust that is there, you should be fine.

As for a price, it depends. Doing it yourself is one thing, but it's all about where you buy your paint and such. Having a body shop paint it, will vary by shop. You can't really get a good estimate from us, just call around local places and see what you can get it done for.


New Member
u can get enough primer at walmart for like 10 bucks. do the body work yourself and pay some1 to spray it. that'll save u some