Full JDM swap?


New Member
ok guys, yall have givenme enough nifo about my b18b1 so im stickin with it but im lookin for a nice jdm front conversion. is that a good idea since im keepin the ls motor?


Super Moderator
I'm confused by your post. You can get the JDM front end conversion and keep your stock LS engine. But if you want to get a GS-R or ITR engine swap you're looking into a lot of money. Probably cost at least 4 - 5k for the engine, then 2-3k for the front end conversion.


New Member
sorry i didnt make it clear, im either going to buy a whole type r front clip and do that full swap or keep the ls, turbo it and do just a front end conversion. im not sure which is best as far as relability with a nice look. im obsessed with the jdm front with a max front bumper so that probly all im going to do as far as looks maybe add a cf hood and a type r wing but thats it. engine is whats confusing me, so many routes to take. i know the ls can make alot of power but would it be as reliable as say a SC type r motor?


g3teg97 said:
For reliability, get an entire ITR front clip.
yup you will have the motor and ne thing else youll need all at once
