fuel delivery under boost

mr2 guy

New Member
Hey guys one of my friends is starting to piece together his turbo kit for his LS. Its going to be T3 turbo at stock boost(7psi). I was wondering what is the best and cheapest method of fuel delivery? Larger injectors with an SAFC2(or similar tuning device), or stock injectors and increasing fuel pressure with an FMU(lets say about 10-12psi per pound of boost(I think I'd need an aftermarket fuel pressure regulator for that too right?) OR maybe the larger injectors used with a Fuel injector Control Unit?


BBS wanted
Just get a better fuel pump (walbro), some Prelude injectors and a fuel regulator, SAFC2 is fine too, that should be fine for this set up, make sure he gets a o2 wideband sensor too is a motor saver

mr2 guy

New Member
Okay say thats what we do. Prelude injectors(BTW which prelude?), an aftermarket fuel pump and pressure regulator. Would we need any type of professional tuning at a dyno or any tuing at all to get the AFR right? Whats the wideband NEEDED for other than emissions?


Super Moderator
The wideband o2 sensor reads your air/fuel ratio's so you can use it to find the a/f ratios you want while tuning. They are very precise and do not even compare to regular a/f ratio gauges. Dyno tuning is the best way to go, but it usually goes around $100/hr. You could do it yourself as long as you know what you're doing, take it slow, and be very careful. If doing it yourself I would consider a datalogger a neccesity. About the cheapest fuel delivery setup would be to get a better fuel pump, rising rate fuel pressure regulator, some bigger injectors and fine tune it all with the SAFC2. The Prelude injectors he was refferring to are 97+ Prelude and are 290cc

mr2 guy

New Member
Alright thanks for the input dudes, hes gonna buy the
-Venom In Tank High Flo Fuel Pump / Fuel Pump Upgrade
-Precision Fuel Injectors( 310cc, generic brand i beleive)
-B&M Fuel Pressure Regulator - CommandFlo Fuel Pressure Modifier
-Apex'i SAFC2
most likely gonna tune it himself with some help, run it rich at first then adjust it from there.
BTW he needs the MSD BTM right?


Super Moderator
I would definitely get something to adjust the ignition timing with because the SAFC changes your timing when you modify then MAP sensor signal. You will want something to help with that although it's not ver precise....keep an eye on EGT and A/F ratio's and you should be fine


The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
I would definitely get something to adjust the ignition timing with because the SAFC changes your timing when you modify then MAP sensor signal. You will want something to help with that although it's not ver precise....keep an eye on EGT and A/F ratio's and you should be fine
Also the B&M fuel piece isnt very good. Ive heard of alot of leaks with them. Id spend the extra their and get a nicer full replacement unit. But as far as tuning id get a Hondata S200 $495 and you can call it a day!



Super Moderator
That's what I'm getting at. By the time you buy an SAFC, some kind of timing controller and a boost controller, you would have spent enough to get Hondata or Greddy Emanage or something that can do all of these things by themselves and are much more accurate


The Transporter
dc2GS-R said:
That's what I'm getting at. By the time you buy an SAFC, some kind of timing controller and a boost controller, you would have spent enough to get Hondata or Greddy Emanage or something that can do all of these things by themselves and are much more accurate
The S200 is accually CHEAP! as far as a full tuner goes. Makes it hard to beat. And if you go to a dyno, everyone knows Hondata tuning. So you will be out quick and that = $ saved

mr2 guy

New Member
so if we use one of those hondatas the car wont be needing the SAFC2 or any other type of fuel/ignition tuning device?or even a boost controller? Its going to be the only electronic piece needed. Its cheap too.

Price Description
$295 Base s200 system - Datalogging, 3- step rev limiter, speed limiter removed (if applicable), tunable fuel and ignition tables, expanded rpm fuel & ignition tables, VTEC control, adjustable rev limiter.

Various additional options are available, either when the unit is ordered or as an upgrade later:
Price Description
$50 3 step rev limiter- Launch control and full throttle shift. (optional upgrade on systems purchased before 3/1/05)
$200 Boost capability. Needed for turbo or supercharged applications
$50 Datalogging capability. Required if you want to tune it yourself (optional upgrade on systems purchased before 12/13/04)
Discontinued G Sensor module.
$200 ROM Editor V3 (requires datalogging). Required for tuning yourself.
$180 Romulator realtime emulator.
$180 Programmer (requires ROM Editor V3) Required for tuning yourself.

im only going to need the base unit plus the boost capabilities. No need for a datalogging options or anything since we're gonna take it to a dyno. Thatll only be around $500 for everything. Whats the 3step rev limiter for?How does this unit help launch control and full throttle shift?


Turbo RS
Stock ECU will need to be modded, would require a zif socket and an external unit to connected to the stock ecu. Also to program these, it would require a chip burner, so it would be safer to take it in to a shop to have all this done and tuned. Another option that cost a bit more, or if you can find one used is to get an AEM EMS, that is a plug and play unit that replaced the stock ecu and you can access the mappings via a laptop.

mr2 guy

New Member
oh naw dude the AEM EMS is expensive like a bi*ch. Awsome unit though. Someone I know got it in his NSX probably the best EMS out there.