FS: 1990 DA Sedan. 619 CA


New Member
Selling my 1990 Da sedan. 5 spd. We are Custom Graphics in SD, we bought a project that we are not going to pursue for 2013, so we are getting rid of the vehicle. It was at $1500, just to get some cash back, but we just want the car off the property so we are dropping price to $1000.00.

Odometer does not work, so mileage is ???,???.

Contact D at 619-384-1857 or customsdgraphics.com or facebook.com/cgsandiego1.


I got excited thinking it was an actual DA sedan, then I saw the pic. :(
Also, I figure an Admin will move this post as soon as they see it. Should be in the For Sale section. GLWS though.


Delete for the fact that you came here just to sell and didn't bother to follow the rules or even post in the correct section.
