Frozen gas lines = PITA


Expirence = Mistakes Made
No lie there. When I lived in Buffalo that used to happen to my first car 1976 Volare Wagon not proud but hey got from A-B in 1985) I used Gas line Anitfreeze let it set crank the engine for 10 sec then wait do it again till it melted thru and ran it. Used to happen because I never had a full tank of gas and had water build up.


wait il it gets warmer out. lol gas antifreeze sounds like the way to go ive never heard of it though. thats pretty cool


Super Duper Moderator
Got the pig running today. I bought a heat gun to warm the lines, but my extention cord couldn't reach the car, so SOL there. So, I decided to just hook up the Sentra's battery to the Teg so it had full power to get running, and just crancked and crancked the bitch for like 15-20 minutes. I did throw in some gas line anti-freeze first. Man, when that Sentra finally started the exhaust REEKED of gas, lol.
So hallejulia, both my cars are running again, and it's suppose to be close to 50 degrees this weekend! woohoo


Expirence = Mistakes Made
Cool man it does take some cranking. I hate the cold I think winter is over here in Maryland suppose to stay in the 50's Spring training is starting and opening day is around the corner


Super Duper Moderator
You said it man, baseball's coming back! screw winter, screw March Madness and screw the Yankees. lol
It hasn't gotten above 20 degrees up her in a week, and it's suppose to be 70 in 5 days!
