Rules and Guidelines! is in no way responsible for any transactions made on the forum. Moderators and Admin will do their best to try and regulate the marketplace, but will also need its members to be on the lookout for each other.
Important Rules and Principles
If you have questions about posting or need help with something PM me. is in no way responsible for any transactions made on the forum. Moderators and Admin will do their best to try and regulate the marketplace, but will also need its members to be on the lookout for each other.
Important Rules and Principles
- If you fail to follow these rules your thread will be DELETED!
- Selling on ClubIntegra is a privilege, not a right
- You must have your Username, Current Date, and written on a paper in at least one photo of each part for sale.

- You cannot sell things that you do not currently have in your possession
- A picture must be posted of each item for sale.
- plus Your User Name and Today's Date must be visible on a sign within the picture.
- If you're selling multiple items (i.e. 4 wheels), you need to post one pic for each item! This way everyone can see each individual item.
- The sign only needs to be in one picture of the part. Multiple parts need a sign for each one.
- While a forum cannot guarantee that someone is trustworthy, ClubIntegra will try its best to maintain trust amongst its members.
- Clubintegra is not responsible for scams or any other problems with transactions.
- If your item is posted in the incorrect forum, it will be deleted or moved.
- No excessive bumping!
- Threads with no activity for 3 months will be deleted.
- Please keep parts in one thread. A seperate thread for a car or wheels is understandable but you don't need a different thread for every set of cams your selling.
- Be professional and courteous.
- Use the trader ratings to help establish reputation between sellers and buyers.
- Notice: ClubIntegra is not responsible for user's adherence to third party, online payment services Terms of Service (TOS).
- Note that all transactions using one of these services are subject to the Terms and Conditions/Terms of Service of these payment services. This includes shipping/handling, taxes, and other margin fees.
- Users and Moderators are encouraged to respectfully remind buyers and sellers to adhere to the guidelines for the payment services.
- Delivery confirmation is NOT available when shipping to Canada, please try FedEx or UPS
If you have questions about posting or need help with something PM me.